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An agreement letter for a rental house is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of the rental agreement between a landlord and a tenant. This document serves as a legal agreement and protects both the landlord and the tenant from any disputes that may arise during the rental period.

If you are a landlord who intends to rent out your property, it is essential to craft an agreement letter that accurately reflects the terms of the rental agreement. Similarly, if you are a tenant searching for a rental house, you must carefully review the agreement letter to ensure that it meets your needs.

In this article, we will provide you with a sample agreement letter for a rental house that you can use as a guideline when creating or reviewing your rental agreement.

Agreement Letter for Rental House Sample


[Landlord’s Name]

[Landlord’s Address]

[Tenant’s Name]

[Tenant’s Address]

Dear [Tenant’s Name],

Re: Rental Agreement for [Property Address]

We are delighted to inform you that we have agreed to rent out our property located at [Property Address] to you for a monthly rental of [Rental Amount].

The terms and conditions of this agreement are as follows:

1. Rental Payment: The monthly rental of [Rental Amount] shall be paid on or before the [Payment Due Date] of every month.

2. Security Deposit: A security deposit of [Security Deposit Amount] shall be paid on the day the tenant moves into the property. This deposit will be refunded to the tenant within [Period] days after the tenant vacates the property, provided there is no damage to the property.

3. Rental Duration: The rental period shall begin on [Start Date] and end on [End Date]. The tenant is required to vacate the property on or before [End Date].

4. Utilities: The tenant shall be responsible for paying all utilities connected to the property, including but not limited to water, electricity, and gas.

5. Maintenance and repairs: The landlord is responsible for maintaining the property in good condition, and the tenant shall be responsible for minor repair and maintenance works.

6. Use of property: The tenant shall use the property for residential purposes only and shall not engage in any illegal activities or any other activities that may disturb the peace of the neighborhood.

7. Termination: Either party may terminate this agreement by providing [Notice Period] days’ notice in writing.

We believe that this agreement letter accurately reflects the terms and conditions of our rental agreement. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for choosing our property for your residence.

Yours sincerely,

[Landlord’s Name]

[Landlord’s Signature]